Could this be the missing link to your health? silver fillings
Mercury Poisoning In Dentistry
Could this be the missing link to your health? silver fillings
Mercury Poisoning In Dentistry

Mercury Poisoning In Dentistry
Mercury Poisoning In Dentistry
Knowledge is Power for your health
An amazing story of one man's effort to expose the lethal hazard of mercury used in a major health profession. It is an intriguing story of a mercury poisoned dentist's ordeal with the medical and legal professions.
This common dental filling is referred to as a silver filling. It is actually 50% elemental mercury and 50% combination of silver, copper, tin, and zinc.
(IAOMT-Biological Dentistry)
Smoking Tooth by Dr. David Kennedy (IAOMT)
Personal Observations Recorded in my Book
Donald met me at a doctor's office and related his symptoms to my mercury toxicity. He decided to have his mercury-silver fillings removed. Unfortunately, he had his fillings removed improperly causing a high exposure to mercury vapor. In addition, he had no detoxification protocol to help remove mercury from his body.
After the improper removal of Donald's silver fillings, he felt so much worse and went through a lot of suffering.
The incident with Donald occurred over twenty-five years ago. I was
wondering what happened to him. I was able to locate him through an Internet search. He is in a nursing home and now has Parkinson’s disease. It is likely that his mercury exposure from his mercury-silver fillings led to the onset of this disease.
You can see that the onset of a disease or symptoms may be so many years later that it is almost impossible to determine the cause!
In my reading about mercury, there was a discussion on the connection of multiple sclerosis to mercury-silver fillings. I found the phone number of the local MS society and made arrangements to meet Betty, the head of the local MS society. She had a guest with her, Vivian.
Vivian told me her amazing story. She had MS for years and her
condition had been deteriorating. The priest was in her home and saying last rights for her. She had a premonition that she needed to
have her mercury-silver fillings removed. She flew back up north to
her dentist there. All her dental amalgams were removed. Within a few weeks, she was completely free of the MS symptoms.
A connection between thimerosal (mercury preservative) in childhood vaccines and autism/learning disorders. click on download to view pdf document.
Hypothesis-Autism/Learning Disorders (pdf)
DownloadInterview with Dr. Scheckner on his book, Time Bomb From Within.
Correction to this article regarding removal of mercury-silver fillings: "I do advocate the safe removal of mercury-silver dental fillings. My book will give you a better understanding of this issue." The linked article makes an incorrect statement on my view. No amount of mercury is safe in your body. Some people may be more sensitive even to the smallest amounts.
In a report published In Linear Practice of Alternative Medicine (Fall, 2001, issue 2:181 -187), Poul Molher, MSc. calculated that it’s typical to have approximately 40 million atoms of mercury per every cell of the body after getting amalgam fillings for several years.
I met a renowned physician up for a Nobel Prize in medicine who was not aware of mercury triggering autoimmune disease. Many doctors are not aware of this problem. Dr. Michael McCann, a pediatric immunologist, and I co-authoried an article in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy to inform physicians of this medical issue.
Evidence of Harm - Boyd Haley, PhD, discusses his mercury chelator OSR, also known as Irminix-EmeraMed. This is a compelling film on mercury in silver dental fillings and the relationship of mercury to Alzheimer's Disease and other health issues. EmeraMed is the most potent chelator for mercury and other heavy metals.
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